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Mind Your Business is an African-American television original sitcom series on Bounce® TV. From an extensive collaborative brainstorming with producers, motion graphic artists, sketch artists, and an external photographer, the visual development concept of the Mind Your Business key art took on a successful 360 product campaign.

Key Art

When it came to art directing talent for this key art visual, I wanted to go beyond an ordinary picture. The idea of planning a party and chaos resonated with the show’s theme and atmosphere. The key art offers a glimpse into the chaotic nature of the show full of laughs and that will unfold within the sitcom.


  • Art Directing
  • Key Art Photo Retouching
  • Compilation
  • Visual Development

On-Air Promo

The on-air promo utilizes motion graphical elements as an extension from the key art mixed with clips from the show to tell a brief storyline. While working with on-air producers and motion graphics artists, elements and similar objects that resonate with the theme of the show such as polaroids, balloons, roses, and gold lettering were created and used to deliver a consistent marketing campaign.


  • Pre-Key Art Elements

Social Media

With the phone being the easiest accessible advertising platform to date, with the help of the social media communications team, the key art was expanded to social platforms to reach and engage with the target demographic.


  • Key Art Versioning
  • Visual Development Elements

Billboard Advertising (OOH)

Throughout different metropolitans cities such as Los Angeles and Atlanta, the task of this billboard was to create an eye-catching display of the show’s top actors/actress while keeping a consistent visual representation of the show. Still utilizing the colors from the key art and photography shots of the main cast, the billboard creates a clean easy-to-read approach for drivers while standing out from other competing ads and nearby distractions.


  • Layout
  • Visual Development